Board of Directors

Board Description

General members who are qualified may also opt to run for election to the positions of Officers or Directors of the Association. Officer and Director positions are elected by the Council of Representatives at the annual spring meeting, per the by-laws. The Board normally meets in-person during the Spring and Fall meetings and via electronic methods/teleconference once during other months. The in-person meetings are open to the general members. As the teleconferences have a strictly limited time period, non-Board members are allowed to participate only if invited. The Board may have up to 15 elected positions, of which seven are the Officers: the Chair, four Vice Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer; and eight are Directors. The Immediate Past Chair and Treasuer serve as ex-officio, non-voting, members of the Board for the two years following their active, elected, service.

A directory of Board & Council Representatives with contact information is available to Rail Passenger Association members.

Members of Rail Passengers Association's Board of Directors

(Revised to 11-1-19)

Peter J. LeCody (TX), Chairman - Term To April 2020

Ken Briers (DC), Vice Chair - Term To April 2020 - Southern & Southeast Division Board Liaison - Fundraising Liaison
Carl Fowler (VT), Vice Chair - Term To April 2020 - Northeast Division Liaison - Marketing Liaison
Thomas Girsch (MA), Vice Chair - Term To April 2020 - Finance & Special Projects Committees Chair
David Randall (IL), Vice Chair - Term To April 2020 - Midwest - Grerat Lakes East & South Central Division Liaison - Council Committee Liaison

William C. Dunn (VA), Secretary - Term To April 2020
Kenneth T. Clifford (OH), Treasurer - Term To April 2020

Richard Bruss (PA), Director - Term To April 2022 - Mid-Atlantic Division Liaison
George L. Chilson (CA) - Director - Term To April 2020 - Strategic Planning Collaborator
Michael Christensen (UT), Director - Term To April 2022 - Mountains & Plains; Northwest & Southwest Division Liaison
Andrew Lodriguss (LA) - Director - Term To April 2021 - Grassroots Involvement Liaison
Matthew Melzer (MN) - Director - Term To April 2021 - Midwest - Great Lakes West Division Leader & Board Liaison
Brian Nelson (MN) - Director - Term To April 2020 - By-Laws Committee Chair & Candidate Certification Committee Liaison
Philip Streby (IN) - Director - Term To April 2020 - State & Regional Advocacy Association Outreach
Richard Vavra-Musser - Director - Term To April 2021

Robert E. Stewart (TN) - Immediate Past Chair - Director's Circle Liaison