Join The Rail Passengers Association Council of Representatives

Nominations Now Open For The January 2020 Election Of Members Of The Rail Passengers Council Of Representatives!

The Rail Passengers Association is inviting all members in good standing to consider running for seats on the Council of Representatives, the Association’s volunteer governing body. The next election for seats on Council will occur in January 2020 for a two-year term starting March 1, 2020. Any Rail Passengers Association member, who has paid dues for at least one year, is at least 18-years of age and is a U.S. resident is eligible to run.

The Council consists of 112 elected state representatives. The allocated number of representatives per state is determined by an equally weighted ratio of the Rail Passengers Associations members in a given state and the state’s number of U.S. Representatives. Every state has at last one Council Representative. The certified number of Council seats to be elected, per state, in the January 2020 election has been certified per the By-Law stipulations.

The Council of Representatives represents the overall Rail Passengers membership in setting and approving the strategic policy and direction for the Association. More detailed information duties, responsibilities and expectations can be found here.

The Council elects the Officers and Board of Directors of the Association, in addition to up to 10 ‘At-Large’ members of the Council. Serving on the Council is a great opportunity to collaborate with others who have a common interest in actively improving passenger rail service across the country. Council members are expected to encourage activities at the grass roots level to advance the Association’s goals and represent local needs, issues and activities at the national level.

The Council meets in person twice per year; in the spring in Washington, D.C., and in the fall at varied locations across the country. Council members are responsible for their own travel and meeting expenses to attend these gatherings and they may be able to apply these charitable expenses on their federal tax returns. Incumbent Council Representatives who seek re-election must have attended at least two of the four meetings held during the previous Council term.

Members interested in running for a seat on the Council must complete and submit a Candidate Information Statement to the Candidate Certification Committee for review and qualification by the deadline of 11:59 p.m. local time on December 1, 2019. You may also request a printed copy of the Candidate Information Statement from by contacting Vice-President of Operations Bruce Becker.

The Rail Passengers Association is only as strong as the volunteer leaders who step up and share their time and talents in working towards our collective goals. Please consider becoming one of these leaders and help make a difference in the future.