Strategic Plan

President/CEO Jim Mathews has developed a comprehensive Three-Year Strategic Plan for the Association, to serve as a guide for initiatives and efforts over the 2017 - 2019 time period.

The plan's Strategic Priorities are:

  1. A Connected America – Work vigorously to create a modern multimodal transportation network worthy of the 21st Century, linking states and regions together for economic opportunity with a high-quality, balanced intermodal and multimodal transportation system that serves every American.
  2. Build Partnerships – Increase our presence in national and local communities to amplify the voice and influence of the American passenger.
  3. Inspire Ingenuity – Harness the passion and knowledge of individual members to work from the “bottom up” in ways that are most effective in their communities’ circumstances.
  4. The Voice of America’s Passengers – Promote our recognition as the authoritative nationwide voice for the millions of fare-paying Americans whose dollars support intercity passenger rail, commuter rail, local transit and transit alternatives. We are not industry or government, but passengers.
  5. Create Member Value – Make being a member even more special – recognize the value and talent of each member; increase the fun and enhance fulfillment of the experience to make members want to stay and others to want to join,whether through successful advocacy, a sense of meaningful contribution, valuable personal benefits or simple camaraderie and fellowship.
  6. Build The Future – Secure our membership base while broadening our appeal through effective advocacy and sound stewardship. Develop our organizational as well as functional leaders, beyond the DC office into the grassroots and volunteer leadership.