Join as an Organization

Support The Work We Do!

Your membership support helps the Rail Passenger Association advance the goal of 'A Connected America."

Corporate and Business Memberships

Perfect for Businesses, Corporations, Chambers of Commerce, NGOs and Tourism Agencies that desire to support Rail Passenger's mission and/or wish to access Rail Passengers member benefit and discount programs.

Public Agency Memberships

Designed for State, Regional and Local Transportation Agencies, MPOs and Planning Departments that can benefit from Rail Passengers's extensive policy analysis capabilities and research expertise.

Educational Institution Memberships

Tailored for Colleges, Universities and other Institutions offering engineering, public planning, transportation and related study programs.

All Organizational Members recieve a customized set of benefits designed to meet their specific startegic objectives and can include...

  • Access to Rail Passenger's extensive policy document library and professional analysis
  • Personalized consultations with Rail Passengers's professional staff on transportation policy issues
  • Right of First Refusal for Sponsorship and Underwriting Opportunities
  • Opportunities to Underwrite Awards
  • Acknowledgement of Member Status on the Rail Passengers website (with a linked logo)
  • Opportunity to Post Member Status and Rail Passenger logo on your Website and Collateral
  • Marketing Services to our Engaged Membership of Active Travelers
  • Access to all Voice of the Passenger Communications
  • Discounts on Services (Advisory Councils, Research, Custom Research/Polling)
  • Opportunities to Distribute Whitepapers or Promotional Items, Including in Meeting Packets
  • Complimentary Registrations to Rail Passenger Association Meetings and Events
  • Opportunities for Private Functions at Rail Passenger Association Events
  • Opportunities to Submit Briefs and Articles, (subject to editorial review)
  • Rental of Mail/Email/Text lists
  • Opportunities for Push Promotional Messaging
  • Annual “State of the Passenger Landscape” Briefing
  • Access to Industry Expert Speakers Bureau

For more information please contact:

Jonsie Stone, Director of Resource Development

[email protected] or 202-408-8362 ext. 3207

If you'd like to join as an individual please go to our Individual Membership Application.