Promotional Materials

This is your toolkit for promoting Rail Passenger's mission in your community. Download, link to and distribute these materials to spread the word about the importance of America's passenger trains!

[If you'd like hard copy membership brochures or newsletters to distribute, call 202-408-8362 or email us your request. Thank you for your support!]

Rail Passenger Association Videos

What Can You See From A Train Window - Introducing The New Rail Passengers Association Logo

Summer By Rail - 2018 - Follow Rail Passenger's 2018 Summer Intern Jacob Wallace As He Visits 19 Major & Minor League Ballparks, All By Train!

A Connected America - See Why Hollywood Star Dan Aykroyd Thinks Passenger Trains Matter

An Interview With NARP Founder Anthony Haswell - Recorded for NARP's 50th Anniversery Celebration

Amtrak President/CEO Richard Anderson at the RPA/NARP RailNation Chicago Event

Amtrak Executive Chef Daniel Malzhan at RPA/NARP RailNation Chicago Event

Summer By Rail - 2017 - Follow Rail Passenger's 2017 Summer Interns Cate Boyle & Victoria Principato On Their 21-Day Cross Country Rail Adventure

#Rally4Trains - June 2017

Summer By Rail - 2016 - Follow Rail Passenger's 2016 Summer Intern Elena Studier On Her 10,000 Mile, 38-Day, Cross Country Rail Journey

Rail Passenger Association Event Photo Albums

RailNation Chicago - November 2017 - All photos taken by Rail Passenger Association Vice-Chair Ken Briers

April 2017 Washington, DC Advococy Symposium & Congressional Reception - All photos taken by Rail Passenger Association Vice-Chair Ken Briers

Rail Passengers Association Membership Brochure

Rack Card PDF also available in print, just contact the office if you have interest in distributing them!

Calfornia High Speed Rail Infographic

Beautiful full color handout extolling the benefits of one the country's largest projects currently underway.

Dimensions: 8.5 x 11"


These posters illustrate the health, environmental, economic and connectivity benefits of trains.

Dimensions: 24x36"

Vision Map

This map shows Rail Passengers' for a truly national system. Read more about Rail Passengers' vision map here.

Dimensions: 36x24"

Associate Member Sign-Up Sheets

Anyone can help Rail Passengers by recruiting new Associate Members. It's easy -- all you need is a name, email address, city & state, and zip code to sign someone up. Associate Members receive our e-newsletter and action alerts (but not discounts, unless they become a paying member).

Fill up one (or ten!) sign-up sheets and mail or scan and email them to Rail Passengers at [email protected]

Dimensions: 11x8.5"