Switzerland - A Scenic Railway Paradise

With Noted Rail Tour Operator Carl Fowler

Bonus Feature Event!

On Monday Evening, April 1 at 8:00pm at the Westin City Center, Carl Fowler will present an engaging travel program entitled ‘Switzerland, Scenic Railway Paradise’.

In his presentation Carl will share why and how the Swiss offer the most perfect example of a truly integrated, multi-modal transportation in the world. In Switzerland you can buy a "Rail Pass" that includes not only every train, but also every bus, tram (trolley car), lake-steamer and even some mountain cable cars, plus offers admission to over 400 museums, landmarks and parks!

All of the frustrating issues that compromise public transport in the U.S. have been solved to create a system that is easy to use, frequent and takes you to scenes of incomparable beauty.

Carl’s presentation will benefit the ‘Jim Hamre Memorial Scholarship Fund’.

Carl led tours to Switzerland for over 30 years, often with Jim Hamre as co-escort. Carl is a "Switzerland Certified Specialist" and will share stories about life in the Alps and the unique way that Switzerland functions as a truly participatory democracy!

Tickets for this special optional program are now available - $25.00 per person

Note: This program is NOT included in the general registration rates listed above! General registration is NOT required to attend this special program!