RPA welcomes summer intern Levente Szabados

Newcomer from Hungary

Hi! My name is Levente Szabados and this summer I am going to be an intern at National Association of Rail Passengers. I was born and grew up in Budapest, Hungary and I recently received a Bachelor of Business Administration and Management at Corvinus University of Budapest. During my studies, I took part in extracurricular activities in student associations and Students` Union. Currently I am a visiting student at George Mason University`s Institute on Comparative Political and Economic Systems.

Previously, I worked as a management consultant intern where I first met rail industry. I was working on the strategy planning of a Hungarian railway company and analyzed how its business processes could be improved. From the first day of this project I took it very seriously because of the big importance of the passenger rail in Hungary. With this work I focused on creating a more punctuate and functioning transport opportunity for the people. Like in the United States, the rail-based transportation is very indispensable and deeply needed to fill gaps between the aviation and roads.

Nowadays, passenger rail needs all the support it can get in a developed country too and I am thankful that I can be a part of its development. During my time here, I look forward to working on different type of projects and get to know the way passengers rail operate in America.
