
Your weekly source of fresh takes on news affecting America's passengers. See also the RPA Blog.

Hotline #954

Hotline #954 In an Op-Ed for USA Today, Christopher Elliott, a consumer advocate and editor at large for National Geographic Traveler, called on American commuters to stop inventing reasons not to use public transportation. Elliot states, “The conflict between drivers and riders exists because the solution isn't easy. But here it is, nonetheless: Our buses, trains and subways will never be first rate until they become a priority, and they won't become a priority until we stop making excuses.�

Hotline #953

Hotline #953 On Thursday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump highlighted is support for high-speed trains in the U.S. Trump noted the discrepancy between train service in China, as compared to the U.S., stating ““They have trains that go 300 miles per hour. We have trains that go chug … chug … chug.” Trumps support for high-speed rail aligns his platform with President Obama’s push for the service, which included a $478 billion infrastructure bill to fund roads, bridges,

Hotline #952

The Hill reported that Amtrak, as well as NARP, filed comments in response to the Surface Transportation Board’s “policy statement” on preference for freight trains. Overall, the proposed statement would reverse a federal mandate, which currently gives Amtrak preference on rail track over freights. Amtrak and NARP shared comments that highlighted that a change in preference will result in delays for passengers, especially those traveling long distance. STB Public Comment On Definition of

Hotline #951

NARP President and CEO Jim Mathews joined a group of elected officials, industry representatives, community leaders and federal stakeholders on the Gulf Coast Inspection Trip that Amtrak and the Southern Rail Commission conducted on February18th and 19th. The train toured the potential rail route between New Orleans and Jacksonville to help local and federal officials get a deeper understanding of the benefits from reintroducing passenger rail service along the Gulf Coast. Since 2005, NARP has

Hotline #950

NARP President and CEO Jim Mathews will join a group of elected officials, industry representatives, community leaders and federal stakeholders on the Gulf Coast Inspection Trip that Amtrak and the Southern Rail Commission are conducting on February18th and 19th. The train will tour the potential rail route between New Orleans and Jacksonville to help local and federal officials get a deeper understanding of the benefits from reintroducing passenger rail service along the Gulf Coast. Since 2005

Hotline #949-A

Positive Train Control (PTC) technology has been an important discussion for passenger rail lines, freight railroads and government regulators for years. In essence, the technology is designed to slow or stop trains that are in danger of derailment or collisions due to high speeds, and it relies on GPS and computers to monitor the train’s speed and position. In December 2015, Amtrak began operating passenger rail service with versions of PTC in the Northeast Corridor between Washington and Bos

Hotline #948

The challenge of seeing that passenger rail is restored to the Gulf Coast has been handled by the Southern Rail Commission (SRC), a group whose members were appoint­ed by the governors of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. The commission has developed an alliance of local elected officials, business leaders, and civic leaders across the Gulf states that are working together to boost passenger rail in the region. And progress to restore Gulf Coast service continues, with Amtrak and the SRC ann

Hotline #947

With the Washington metropolitan area experiencing an historic snowstorm, your hardworking NARP office staff have been affected. We have deployed our resources to remote locations to try to maintain member services during the storm, but please be aware that many basic services in the region are being disrupted. If you can't reach us right away, please leave voicemail or send emails and we will do our best to help you as quickly as possible. Thousands of flights have already been canceled. Amtra

Hotline #946

NOTE- The NARP Office will be closed on January 18th for the Martin Luther King holiday The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) put rail safety at the top of its “10 Most Wanted” list of priorities for 2016, reports the Washington Post. The NTSB has been calling for installation of PTC for decades, but the pressing need for the safety system was driven home by the crash of Amtrak Train #188 outside of Philadelphia on May 12, 2015. The agency warned Congress and federal regulators

Hotline #945

View on Vimeo New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced an ambitious $3 billion plan to renovate Penn Station, reports the New York Times. It includes creating an adjunct train and retail hub in the James A. Farley Post Office across the street. During his press conference, Cuomo also outlined plans for new air and rail terminals, new transit stations and a Hudson River rail tunnel, calling it “the biggest construction program in our state’s history.” The state, working with Amtrak and MT