
NARP Releases, Statements & Letters

An archive of press releases, Congressional statements, letters to officials, and written testimony.

NARP Urges Immediate Congressional Action on Positive Train Control to Avoid Rail Shutdown

Release #15-22

For Immediate Release (#15-22) Contact: Benet J. Wilson 443-838-7033 mobile WASHINGTON, D.C.—The National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) is warning that the U.S. rail transportation system could be crippled if passenger railroads are forced to suspend train service. Amtrak and commuter railroads are facing a December 31, 2015, deadline to install Positive Train Control (PTC) technology, and Amtrak has said it will start informing of shutdowns beginning December 1. Amtrak and oth

Passengers Decry Another Manufactured Crisis As Safety Technology Deadline Looms

Release #15-21

For Immediate Release (#15-21) Contact: Sean Jeans-Gail 202-320-2723 Passengers Decry Another Manufactured Crisis As Safety Technology Deadline Looms Warn Congress to Pass PTC Extension Before Damage is Done Washington, D.C.— Responding to the Senate’s decision to move a stopgap budget proposal extending the deadline for implementing Positive Train Control (PTC), the National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) is calling on Congress to pass a long-term surface transportation act

NARP Receives Large Bequest from George McCallum Estate

Release #15-20

For Immediate Release (#15-20) Contact: Benet J. Wilson 443-838-7033 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The National Association of Railroad Passengers has been honored with a bequest from the estate of long-time member George E. McCallum, the largest monetary gift ever received by the association. "We are humbled and inspired to receive this wonderful gift, which will help NARP bring like-minded parties together across all political viewpoints to help advance the national conversation about rail service i

NARP Supports Nomination of Sarah Feinberg as Federal Railroad Administration Head

Release #15-19

For Immediate Release (#15-19) Contact: Benet J. Wilson 443-838-7033 WASHINGTON, D.C.—The National Association of Railroad Passengers wrote to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation to encourage Senators to confirm the appointment of Sarah Feinberg as the head of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). “Feinberg has been leading the agency as acting administrator since January, and her performance has earned the respect and thanks of America’s passengers

Companies Facing Technology Deadline Must Keep Passengers, Freight on the Rails

Release #15-18

For Immediate Release (#15-18) Contact: Benet J. Wilson 443-838-7033 WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Responding to public statements made by several Class 1 freight railroads, the National Association of Railroad Passengers is calling on Congress to preserve access to the safe movement of people and goods by taking appropriate steps to responsibly extend the deadline for implementing Positive Train Control (PTC) beyond December 31, 2015. PTC is a signaling technology that helps prevents trains from colli

NARP Asks For Balance in Proposed Measures to Protect Rail Passengers

Release #15-17

For Immediate Release (#15-17) Contact: Benet J. Wilson 443-838-7033 WASHINGTON, D.C.—The National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) applauded three American passengers—Spencer Stone, Alek Skarlatos, and Anthony Sadler—whose swift action helped thwart a tragic attack on a train from Amsterdam to Paris. If not for the courage shown by these two members of the U.S. military and a Californian college student, many lives could have been lost at the hands of the shooter. In the wake

NARP: Tunnel Debacle Betrays “Goldfish” Pathology Plaguing U.S. Infrastructure

Release #15-16A

For Immediate Release (#15-17) Contact: Benet J. Wilson 202-408-8362, ext. 3203 NARP: Tunnel Debacle Betrays “Goldfish” Pathology Plaguing U.S. Infrastructure National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) President & CEO Jim Mathews issued a statement responding to the recent incidents that have affected intercity and commuter rail operations in the New York/New Jersey region of the Northeast Corridor: Our Association is extremely dismayed at the series of incidents that have

Train Passengers Applaud Senate’s Move to Increase Funding for Life-Saving Safety Technology; Call for More Local Choice in Transportation Spending

Release #15-16

For Immediate Release (#15-16) Contact: Benet J. Wilson 202-408-8362, ext. 3203 WASHINGTON, D.C.—The National Association of Railroad Passengers threw the full weight of its 28,000 members behind the provision included added to the Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy (DRIVE) Act that provides an additional $199 million in dedicated funding for Positive Train Control (PTC), a life-saving technology whose implementation is long past due. PTC is an automated system tha

NARP Thanks Senate Commerce Committee Leaders for Including Rail Reform in Transportation Bill

Release #15-15

For Immediate Release (#15-15) Contact: Benét J. Wilson 202-408-8362, ext. 3203 Washington, D.C.—The National Association of Railroad Passengers issued a letter today to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation commending Chairman John Thune and Ranking Member Ben Nelson for their decision to include the Railroad Reform, Enhancement, and Efficiency Act (S.1626) as part of the Commerce Committee’s portion of the surface transportation bill, the Comprehensive Tra

Senate Drops Railroad Reform Bill; A Huge Leap Forward

Release #15-15a

For Immediate Release (#15-15) Contact: Benet J. Wilson June 18, 2015 202-408-8362, ext. 3203 WASHINGTON, D.C. —The National Association of Railroad Passengers applauds the pro-expansion ideas contained within the Railroad Reform, Enhancement, and Efficiency Act of 2015 (RREEA 2015), released today by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. This bill -- which serves as a response to the House’s Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2015 (PRRIA 2015) -- covers a