
NARP Releases, Statements & Letters

An archive of press releases, Congressional statements, letters to officials, and written testimony.

Rail Passengers Remembers Joe Boardman As Passionate Leader

For Immediate Release (19-7) Contact: Xenophon Strategies - (202) 289-4001 Washington, D.C. - Following the passing of former Amtrak President and CEO Joe Boardman on March 7, 2019, Rail Passengers Association President and CEO Jim Mathews said: “Joe Boardman believed in his bones that all Americans should have the ability to choose to travel by train. He was a passionate defender of the National Network, and a passionate believer in Amtrak. He was also very gracious with his time and his i

Second Train From Chicago To Twin Cities Could Bring $25M To MN

$47 Million Economic Benefit Felt Across Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois - 90,000 People Could Shift From Car Travel to Passenger Rail

For Immediate Release (19-6) Contact: Xenophon Strategies - (202) 289-4001 Washington, D.C. - A second Amtrak train between Chicago and Minneapolis/ St. Paul could bring $25 million annually for the state of Minnesota, according to the Rail Passengers Association. This represents an economic return of eight- to ten- times Minnesota’s annual net spending to support the potential new service, which is an estimated $2 to $3 million annually. In a review of an Amtrak feasibility study, Rail Pass

Trump’s Latest Move on High-Speed Rail Breaks Campaign Promises

Americans Need Trump to Fulfill Pledge to Become an Infrastructure President

For Immediate Release (19-5) Contact: Xenophon Strategies - (202) 289-4001 Washington, D.C.—The Rail Passengers Association condemns the Trump Administration’s attempt to claw back federal grant money from the California high-speed rail project. This is a direct reversal of Candidate Trump’s promise to use his experience in the private sector to put Americans to work closing the infrastructure deficit between the U.S. and the rest of the developed world—specifically with regards to hig

Rail Passengers Statement on Gov. Newsom's HSR Announcement

For Immediate Release (19-4) Contact: Xenophon Strategies - (202) 289-4001 Washington, D.C.—The Rail Passengers Association welcomes clarifying comments from Governor Gavin Newsom that he is fully committed to building a high-speed rail line between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Our Association is eager and willing to work with the Newsom Administration to identify steps—in both the near- and long-term—to effectively deliver a world class passenger rail system to all Californians. “G

Passengers Award ‘Golden Spike’ to Senators from KS, CO, NM

Bennet, Gardner, Heinrich, Moran, Roberts, Udall, will be Recognized for Role in Saving Southwest Chief

For Immediate Release (19-2) Contact: Xenophon Strategies - (202) 289-4001 The Rail Passengers Association is awarding a bipartisan coalition of six senators its Golden Spike Award for their outstanding contribution in saving the Southwest Chief train route, and their service to the tens of millions of Americans who depend upon the national train network. The Golden Spike will be awarded to Senators Michael Bennet (CO), Cory Gardner (CO), Martin Heinrich (NM), Jerry Moran (KS), Pat Roberts (K

Registration Open for 2019's RailNation DC

Blueprint 2020: Be the Architect

For Immediate Release (19-3) Contact: Abe Zumwalt, 202.408.8362 Don’t Miss Out - Register Now! Join the Rail Passengers Association in Washington, D.C. for our annual Spring advocacy conference (April 1 - 3) where we’ll discuss the challenges and solutions to building a better American rail system. With the surface transportation reauthorization kicking into gear, advocates have a unique opportunity to bring about real change. Join us in drafting the blueprint for 21st Century passenger r

Southwest Chief Brings $180M Annually to NM, CO and KS

Congress’ Decision to Save Train Averts $135 Million in Additional One-Time Losses - Chief Connects 32 Communities in 8 Southwest States

For Immediate Release (19-1) Contact: Xenophon Strategies - (202) 289-4001 Washington, D.C. - Thwarting plans to replace a portion of Amtrak’s Southwest Chief service with a bus between Albuquerque, NM and Dodge City, KS, saved the economies of New Mexico, Colorado and Kansas from what would have been $180 million in annual losses, according to the findings of a new study by the Rail Passengers Association and the University of Southern Mississippi. Had it gone through, the bus bridge also w

RPA Launches Effort to Support Train Stations Amtrak Abandoned

Volunteers in Niles, MI Lead the Charge Starting Nov. 9 -10 With Other States to Follow

For Immediate Release (18-40) November 9, 2018 When Amtrak chose to remove paid staff from train stations across the U.S., passengers in Niles, MI began to organize an effort to fill the void that was left. This weekend dozens of passionate train and passenger rail advocates will volunteer to pick up where Amtrak once served -- guiding passengers, greeting inbound trains and providing the valuable information and support services that come de riguer in other countries with robust transport

RPA's Open Letter Calls on Amtrak to Lead in U.S. Transportation

For Immediate Release (18-39) October 26, 2018 Contact: Xenophon Strategies - (202) 289-4001 Rail Passengers’ “Open Letter” Calls on Amtrak to Lead Surface-Transportation Policy in U.S. Riders Demand More and Better Trains for the 21st Century Washington, D.C. - In an open-letter to Amtrak, the Rail Passengers Association (RPA) CEO Jim Mathews called on railroad management to “seize this moment” to shape the future of the National Network to create “A Connected America” th

Rail Passengers’ CEO Urges More and Better Trains

Jim Mathews Calls On Amtrak To Adopt A Customer-Centric Approach To Passenger Rail

For Immediate Release (18-39) In a major speech to be delivered this Saturday in Miami, Rail Passengers Association (RPA) CEO Jim Mathews will call on Amtrak management to “seize this moment” to grow and improve the national rail network. The vision Rail Passengers will lay out focuses on “A Connected America,” where the interstate train network serves as an economic engine for communities, reduces environmental pollution and increases transportation safety. To meet the country’s tran