
Your weekly source of fresh takes on news affecting America's passengers. See also the RPA Blog.

Hotline #833

In a major victory for passenger train advocates, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) announced Tuesday that the state and local governments along the route had agreed to share the operating costs of Amtrak’s Chicago-Indianapolis Hoosier State. With that, Indiana became the last of the 18 affected states to sign an agreement with Amtrak and assume most of the operating costs of their short-distance trains. NARP and our allies can celebrate the fact that no existing Amtrak routes or frequencies were l

Hotline #832

Amtrak has reached agreement with agencies in 18 of the 19 states with service affected by the 2008 law’s Section 209. That provision requires most states to pay more than they have in the past. This week, Californiareached a deal with Amtrak to provide an additional $19 million to maintain service, with Illinois close behind. New York came to an agreement with Amtrak last week. Negotiations with Indiana are continuing and Amtrak is optimistic. Indiana earlier had been in doubt, but press

Hotline #831

The federal government shutdown is on Day Four with no apparent end in sight—other than veterans of previous shutdowns noting that the pressure intensifies daily and the pain usually becomes too great for politicians after about seven days. It is clear that a majority of House members would vote for the “clean” continuing resolution that the White House wants, but that Speaker Boehner so far is not willing to bring it to a vote. If your Representative is a Republican, please ask him or h

Hotline #830

Power issues in the New York area have caused significant disruptions to Metro-North Railroad operations on Wednesday morning, significantly affecting service of the commuter railroad and Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor and disrupting the travel of tens of thousands of passengers. Officials report that the problem stems from the loss of a Consolidated Edison 138,000-volt feeder cable that supplies traction power to the line's electric fleet, which occurred at 5:20 a.m. on the morning of Septemb

Hotline #829

NARP’s Chairman Stewart and President Capon have both been on the ground in the fight to save the Southwest Chief. Ross Capon spoke at a well-attended save-the-Chief meeting in Pueblo, Colorado on September 14. NARP Council Member James Souby played a lead role in organizing the ColoRail/NARP-sponsored meeting. A good portion of the attendees were public officials, both Republican and Democrat, from Colorado, New Mexico and Kansas. The goal is to get those three states to contribute funds

Hotline #828

NARP President Ross Capon is scheduled to speak tomorrow at a summit on preserving the Southwest Chief’s current route in Pueblo, Colorado. All rail advocates in the region are invited to attend the Pueblo summit—more information at the NARP Event Calendar. Among the other speakers: public officials and Amtrak’s Ray Lang. With the deadline for a Federal law requiring states to pay most of the operating costs of Amtrak routes under 750 miles in length looming, only seven of 19 states

Hotline #787-B

A District of Columbia judge this afternoon granted Amtrak a temporary restraining order, we believe for ten days, preventing the United Transportation Union from conducting a national strike against Amtrak during that time. The UTU had planned to strike at 12:01 am tomorrow, over an issue involving the Metrolink commuter train system in Los Angeles, which is operated under contract by Amtrak. The UTU objects to Mechanical Department employees moving trains within the maintenance facility at Tay

Hotline #787-A

The United Transportation Union has notified Amtrak that it plans a nationwide Amtrak strike at 12:01 am on August 25 -- that is later than a deadline reported here previously. The issue involves the Metrolink commuter train system in Los Angeles, which is operated under contract by Amtrak. The UTU objects to Mechanical Department employees moving trains within the maintenance facility at Taylor Yard and wants to assign passenger conductors there. Amtrak will go to court tomorrow to ask for a te

Hotline #787

The United Transportation Union representative to Amtrak has been given formal authority by union leadership for a nationwide Amtrak strike. The issue revolves around an alleged contracting-out of services on the Los Angeles Metrolink system. The UTU is prepared to carry out the strike at 12:01 am on August 23, so beware if you have travel plans! Amtrak will try to block the strike in court over this weekend. The Illinois Zephyr is expected to be restored to West Quincy, Mo., on August 25, maki

Hotline #786

The Senate confirmed Jolene Molitoris as Federal Railroad Administrator and Gordon Linton as Federal Transit Administrator on August 5, just before summer recess. Molitoris will be sworn in at Washington Union Station on September 8. Don't forget to write your Senators about Amtrak funding for 1994. The House will pick up H.R.2750, and the Senate will start work on that bill, after Congress returns to Washington September 8. There are some improvements in the flood situation. The California Ze