
Your weekly source of fresh takes on news affecting America's passengers. See also the RPA Blog.

Hotline #785

Congress adjourns today for its summer recess, to return after Labor Day. H.R.2750, the House 1994 transportation appropriations bill, was not acted upon this week, thereby delaying any further action in either house until September. Write your Senator during August to ask for better Amtrak funding than it got in the House! The August newsletter, which has more on H.R.2750, was mailed today, second-class. The final form of the budget reconciliation took shape this week and was approved in the H

Hotline #784

The 1994 DOT appropriations bill was expected on the House floor today -- but has been postponed yet again. It is possible it could go next week, but if it is further delayed, it will go to September. On July 27, it was re-released from the Appropriations Committee with the bad Tauzin language cutting Amtrak operations by $20 million and giving it to the Coast Guard. However, the bad anti-Thruway bus language has been neutralized. Its bill number was changed from H.R.2490 to H.R.2750. When and

Hotline #783-A

H.R.2490, the 1994 DOT appropriations bill, which last week was suddenly sent back to committee, was re-released today. In a major blow to Amtrak, the Appropriations Committee incorporated into H.R.2490 the Tauzin amendment transferring $20 million from Amtrak operations to the Coast Guard. That cuts Amtrak operations to $331 million -- $20 million below the total Amtrak got for 1993 and well below the level that Amtrak says would force service cuts. However, thanks to hard work by Reps. Lynn Sc

Hotline #783

H.R.2490, the 1994 DOT appropriations bill, is now expected on the House floor next week, after July 26. Representative Tauzin (La.) still plans to offer an amendment transferring $20 million from Amtrak operations to the Coast Guard. Although it is too bad that Transportation Appropriations Chairman Carr (Mich.) no longer opposes this amendment, Representative Blackwell (Pa.) recirculated his letter of opposition, signed by 23 other Representatives from across the nation. A close vote is expect

Hotline #782-A

H.R.2490, the 1994 DOT appropriations bill, was expected on the House floor today. However, there has been a delay to at least tomorrow, and possibly longer. Delicate negotiations between Transportation Appropriations Chairman Carr (Mich.), Public Works Chairman Mineta (Cal.), and Rules Chairman Moakley (Mass.) are continuing and will determine when the vote takes place. In a major blow to Amtrak, it appears that Chairman Carr will not oppose the amendment by Representative Tauzin (La.) to give

Hotline #782

H.R.2490, the 1994 DOT appropriations bill, is expected on the House floor on July 21. In a major blow to Amtrak, it now appears that Subcommittee Chairman Bob Carr (D.-Mich.) will not oppose the amendment by Tauzin (La.) to give the Coast Guard $20 million from Amtrak operations and more from the air traffic control system (supported by Studds (Mass.)). Rep. Lucien Blackwell (D.-Pa.) may distribute a "Dear Colleague" letter to all House Members to oppose any floor amendment to cut Amtrak fundin

Hotline #781-A

The House Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee, chaired by Bob Carr (D.-Mich.), voted this morning to accept the Tauzin amendment transferring $20 million from Amtrak operations to the Coast Guard. Rep. Lucien Blackwell (D.-Pa.) may distribute a "Dear Colleague" letter to all House Members protesting this action. Please encourage pro-Amtrak Representatives to contact Blackwell and offer to co-sign his letter and vote for any floor amendment that may be offered to reverse this morning's act

Hotline #781

Due to flooding, the California Zephyr and Southwest Chief are not running between Chicago and Denver or Kansas City. People starting trips on those segments will not get alternate transportation. Earlier, the California Zephyr ran on the Chicago & North Western. That is now closed, too, but may reopen sooner than the Burlington route. Amtrak says present conditions are likely through early next week, maybe longer. Flooded-out St. Louis-Kansas City trains should resume on July 10. The Illino

Hotline #780

The House did not consider H.R.2490, the 1994 DOT appropriations bill, this week and is not expected to take it up until the week of July 19. This gives you time to write to your Representative in opposition to the amendment Rep. Billy Tauzin (D.-Cal.) is to offer cutting Amtrak's operating figure $20 million -- from $351 million to $331 million and transferring the $20 million to the Coast Guard. The address is House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515. House-Senate conferees reached agre

Hotline #779

The House plans to consider H.R.2490, the 1994 DOT appropriations bill, on June 29. There may be an amendment from Rep. Billy Tauzin (D.-La.) cutting Amtrak's operating figure by $20 million -- from $351 million to $331 million, transferring the $20 million to the Coast Guard. Please urge your Representative to vote and work against this or any similar amendment. The Capitol switchboard is 202/224-3121. This clear Amtrak vs. Coast Guard vote may be a first -- the Coast Guard could be a powerful