News & Commentary

Is Your Mayor Onboard?

As Congress finishes last year's budget process and plans ahead for next year's spending, it's critical that local cities play an active part in the process. Contact your Mayor today! Just last year, we saw efforts in both Congress and the White House to kill Amtrak's National Network. With a concerted campaign of station rallies, calls, and meetings passenger advocates were able to turn back these efforts, and secure additional funding for passenger rail in both the House and Senate. Now we n

The 2018 Passengers' Guide to Advocacy

As Congress finishes last year's budget process and plans ahead for next year's spending, it's critical that train passengers play an active part in the process. That's why the Rail Passengers Association is launching our 2018 campaign to bring the voices of America's passengers to the halls of Congress. And we need your help! The bipartisan agreement passed by the Senate this week, if passed into law, provides a real opportunity for transportation in the appropriations process. The deal would

Supreme Court Action on Freight Delays?

Justice Dept. Cracks The Door Open For Supreme Court Freight-Delay Action 

The Justice Dept. has advised the Supreme Court that it does not “at this time” support review of the Association’s on-time performance case, but at the same time mostly agreed with our position on the merits of our claim – which leaves the door open for the Court to hold our petitions until a federal appeals court rules on metrics and standards issues in a related case filed by the American Association of Railroads. The office of the Solicitor General – the third-ranking official in

NARP is now RPA

Your rail advocacy group is now the Rail Passengers Association.

Contest: Your View from the Train

Since 1967, our mission has been to work toward a modern, customer-focused national passenger rail network that provides a travel choice Americans want and can have access to. Over the past five decades we’ve been through some thick, and some thin in working to preserve and expand the service we have by giving passengers a voice. 50 years hence, our trains now run through a new era, rich with multimedia, and the passenger’s voice must be broadcasted and amplified to suit how we are portra

The Trump Budget Strikes Back! (UPDATE)

UPDATED: September 7th In an unexpected move, Congress launched debate on a series of transportation amendments late last night, with NARP staff tracking movement on the House floor. We're thrilled to report that a bipartisan coalition of House Transportation leadership took a strong stance in support of America's national rail network, and all anti-Amtrak amendments were defeated. The Trump Budget proposal to end long-distance trains has been turned back again! NARP will spend today tallying t

SEPTEMBER 12th HEARING ON TRAIN DELAYS - Arm NARP's President Jim Mathews With Your Stories!

The National Association of Railroad Passengers will be taking part in a Surface Transportation Board public hearing later this month on the “widespread degradation of rail service” on CSX’s network… and we need YOUR train delay stories to help in the fight for better on-time performance! The STB hearing will take place on Tuesday, September 12, 2017, and it will give rail passengers the opportunity to tell federal officials how delays on CSX’s network have affected them. This hearin

Clock's Ticking: tell Congress to pass a transportation budget before time runs out!

Last month the Senate and House Appropriations Committees both approved positive transportation budgets, providing increased funding for Amtrak and passenger rail. However, with the end of the current fiscal year only a few weeks away, Congress is quickly running out of time to turn these bills into law.Act now to ensure that Congress passes increased funding for Amtrak and transit! You can help get these bills over the line by: Writing your elected officials Attending a town hall event held

Transportation, Amtrak Budget Gains Steam in Senate

The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation and Housing advanced an FY2018 transportation budget in a markup earlier today, providing $1.6 billion for Amtrak and $12.1 billion for transit. Notably, today's committee action has established a bipartisan, bicameral consensus on the necessity of increasing investment in intercity rail that has been tantalizingly out of reach in the past few years. It's a feat that is all the more striking for its rejection of the Trump Administration�

House Appropriations Committee Moves Transportation, Amtrak Funding Bill to Full House

Under the guidance of Republican leadership, House appropriators passed an FY2018 transportation budget July 18th that would boost spending for passenger rail by $360 million over current levels, with much of the increase targeted towards the enormous state of good repair backlog on the Northeast Corridor. This bill is a huge victory for NARP and our allies, who held a series of successful rallies against a Trump Administration proposal to eliminate long distance trains. “This win belongs to