News & Commentary

House GOP Appropriators Reject White House Proposal to Slash Amtrak Service

Draft proposal includes funding for Amtrak’s National Network (and some bad policy provisions, too) Led by the new appropriations chairman, Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), House Republicans released a draft FY2018 budget yesterday evening that would boost spending in rail by $360 million over current levels, with the increase targeted towards the enormous state of good repair backlog on the Northeast Corridor. This draft proposal is a huge victory for passenger advocates, who have rallied a

New #Rally4Trains Video to Help Spread the Word This Summer!

Click here if video doesn't load NARP has created a video to help get the word out about the #Rally4Trains -- not only this weekend, but all through the summer! We hope you can join us at a rally this weekend. But don't worry if you can't! Just go to to find out about all the events taking place this summer, how to organize your own rally, and what you can do to make sure Congress gets the message: Americans DEMAND a 21st century passenger rail system!

House Appropriators United in Bipartisan Skepticism Over White House Transportation Cuts

The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development met today to speak about transportation funding for the coming year with U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, who was grilled over Administration plans to slash infrastructure funding, eliminate Amtrak's long-distance trains, and stall transit projects slated for construction. Overall, appropriators expressed a strong understanding of the need for robust investment in passenger rail and tr

NARP on the scene for Infrastructure Week in Washington, D.C.

It’s Infrastructure Week in D.C., and transportation groups from all over the nation are turning a spotlight on infrastructure to educate and advocate for a simple message: it’s time to get to work on rebuilding America. Infrastructure Week is an opportunity to bring businesses, workers, elected leaders, and everyday citizens together to think about the best way to improve the rails, roads, bridges, ports, and airports that will ensure that America will be globally competitive, prosperous, a

Fallout from dismissal of FBI Director could grind Congressional action on infrastructure to a halt

Concerns over President Donald Trump’s dismissal of James Comey from his post as the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has stalled congressional action on drafting an FY2018 budget, and could bode poorly for an infrastructure bill that has been promised by Trump’s White House. While concern over the firing has been vocalized by both parties, the Democrats have taken action. In procedural moves taken earlier today, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) objected to Senate Maj

Amtrak, FAST Act Rail Programs, and Transit Receive Boost in Omnibus Budget Released Today

Congress released an omnibus agreement today that provides increased transportation funding for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2017, with $57.651 billion in total funding for transportation and housing programs—a $350 million increase above FY2016. The spending deal has already secured broad bipartisan support in the House and the Senate, and is a resounding rejection of the philosophy behind the extreme spending cuts outlined by the White House in its proposed FY 2018 budget. Make no mistake,

NARP's News from the Front Lines: Update on the Amtrak – VIA Connection at Detroit-Windsor

by Larry Krieg The Situation The busiest crossing point between the United States and Canada is between Detroit Michigan, and Windsor Ontario. But there is no direct connection for passenger rail travelers at this busy crossing, and since the 2003 discontinuation of The International (a joint VIA-Amtrak train between Chicago and Toronto) no passengers have crossed the Michigan-Ontario border by train. Short of taking a very expensive international taxi ride, the only option for crossing the s

Wall Street Journal's "Acela Pundits" attacked Amtrak, so we responded

The Wall Street Journal has added their two cents to the debate sparked by the recent troubles radiating from New York Penn Station, and it is a classic in the genre of “tone-deaf New York City editors ridiculing investment in small town America.” It’s a genre in which the Journal has, rightly, earned a reputation as an industry leader. Though not an innovator, since the editorial compliantly echoes the White House’s budget proposal’s attack on rail infrastructure, calling for an end

Can’t travel to NARP’s Day on the Hill? You can still help!

NARP is busy preparing for its annual Day on the Hill, where passengers from all over the country travel to Washington, D.C. to advocate for Amtrak, transit, and fast, frequent passenger rail service for all Americans.Even if you can’t travel to D.C., you can still help us in the fight for modern trains! Our advocates will be meeting with Representatives and Senators from ever part of the country. NARP will provide facts and figures to help explain why trains are a safe, efficient and clean

Beat the April 4th Deadline! Get Your Elected Official to Sign-On in Support of Trains

Following a terrible White House budget proposal, NARP asked all passengers to rally in support of trains—and you answered! That pressure has resulted in tangible benefits on Capitol Hill: Representatives Seth Moulton (D-MA), Elizabeth Esty (D-CT), and Louise Slaughter (D-NY) are spearheading a Member Submission to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation leadership—Chairman Mario Diaz-Balart and Ranking Member David Price—asking appropriators to provide full funding for Am