News & Commentary

Victory (2:1) in the Valley of the Sun

Four-time public vote champion Phoenix Light Rail wins again!

by Madi Butler It is with pride that we congratulate the efforts of the multitudes of citizens, organizers, volunteers, and elected officials that fought hard to end this reckless and short-sighted proposition. This is testimony to the efficacy of grassroots organizing, coalition-building, and citizen engagement. After I left the event in Phoenix earlier this month, I felt confident in those involved at a local level. I do want to thank members of the Southwest Transit Memes for Desert-Oriented

(Anti-) Transit Bros

Transportation projects in this country are under attack and dark money is to blame.

by Joe Aiello | Northeast Field Coordinator EDIT (8/23/19): Our condolences to the Koch Family on the news of the passing of David Koch this morning. We feel that this story remains important, and given the impending vote in Phoenix, it deserves to have light shed on it. By now, I hope that everyone saw Sean’s call-to-arms a couple weeks ago against Prop 105 happening in Phoenix or saw some of the coverage of our SBR intern Madi Butler’s event in Tempe on the 11th. View this pos

FRA Announces $227 Million for Passenger Rail Projects

Feds Assist 10 Rail Projects Across 10 States

After two years of delay, the FRA unleashed $227 million in State of Good Repair Grants to commuter and intercity passenger rail projects.

West Virginia MARC Train Service Action Alert

Help Preserve Service To Martinsburg

The Maryland Transit Administration will hold a public hearing on September 7, 2019 regarding possible drastic cutbacks in MARC commuter train service into West Virginia! The proposed cutbacks, which could go into effect November 4th, would eliminate two of the three current weekday rounds which serve Martinsburg, Duffield and Harpers Ferry. The trains would continue to operate as far as Brunswick, MD. Current West Virginia ridership averages about 250 passengers per day. Cuts in service into

Ride Share Companies Expand Into Transit

Transit has had a fraught relationship with the ride-sharing since companies like Uber and Lyft burst onto the urban transportation scene. Will rideshare companies growing partnership with transit providers help passengers, or hurt them?

Transit has had a fraught relationship with the ride-sharing since companies like Uber and Lyft burst onto the urban transportation scene. Will rideshare companies growing partnership with transit providers help passengers, or hurt them?

Summer By Rail 2019: Southern Roundup

Catching up with Chef Madi's cross-country adventure

Summer by Rail 2019 is past the halfway point, with Chef Madi now in the Southwest after finishing her tour of the South and Midwest. We've hightlighted a number of the stops below with blog posts and media coverage, but be sure you go to the website to see everything that Summer By Rail has to offer. Be sure to follow along with Chef Madi's journey through all our social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. And of course, you can find everything over at

Mr. Aiello Goes to Boston

RPA Field Coordinator Joe Aiello testified before members of the Boston City Council in support of the North-South Rail Link

(My testimony begins at the 52:00 min mark) Last Monday night, before I headed to Chicago to join Chef Madi for Summer By Rail, I was asked by Boston City Councilor Annissa Essaibi-George to join a distinguished panel for a discussion on the North-South Rail Link. If you wanted to know more about the project and the advocacy behind it - I do encourage you to watch the entire video above. Lucas Santos, formerly of Congressman Moulton's office, gave an overview presentation and Governor Michael

Calling All Phoenix Passengers: Stop the Attacks on Rail!

Vote “NO” on Proposition 105 before August 27th!

The Phoenix light rail system connects workers to their jobs, students to their schools, and families to our communities. It is an essential part of the city’s plan to support its rapidly growing population. Out-of-state anti-rail advocates have funded Proposition 105, included in this year's special election. This wouldn’t just kill plans for light rail—it would prevent Phoenix from investing in ANY sort of passenger rail. Here are the FACTS about Prop. 105: Stops all light rail const

John Heffner: An Appreciation

Long Time Advocate Lost To Cancer

The advocacy community lost an important voice this weekend in attorney John D. Heffner.

Senate Has Hard Questions for Amtrak Board Nominee

Mr. Rokita says the right things in testimony; Sen. Blumenthal demands a National Network advocate

Former Congressman Todd Rokita of Indiana testified at a hearing held by the Senate Commerce Committee yesterday, who examined his nomination be a member on the Amtrak Board of Directors. Mr. Rokita worked hard to assuage the members of the Committee that he was a true-believer in the importance of Amtrak as an essential national service, overcoming the negative impression created by his anti-Amtrak voting record during his time in Congress. But many Senators expressed doubt over his vision -- o