News & Commentary

Florida Action Alert: Support Next-Gen Trains to Orlando, Tampa

Attend a meeting in Orlando on Friday, April 5th to support Brightline

The Florida Development Finance Corporation (FDFC) is holding a Board of Directors meeting in Orlando on Friday April 5th to consider Virgin Trains USA (Brightline) application to market an additional $950 million in Private Activity Bonds. These bonds are a new allocation in addition to $1.15 billion in bonds already allocated by USDOT and approved by FDFC. Upon completion of this next FDFC board approval, Virgin Trains USA will go to market for the full $2.1 billion. The bankers are ready to

Seamless Transitions

How Can Technology Help Us Get Around?

by Joe Aiello | Northeast Field Coordinator I spent a lot of time with Rail Passengers CEO & President (and my boss) Jim Mathews this week working on a final presentation for the National Advisory Committee on Travel and Tourism Infrastructure (NACTTI) at USDOT - I have been staffing Jim on this committee for nearly the last year. The idea of new and “seamless” technologies came up in conversation quite often, especially from those involved with other modes of transportation (airlines,

You Don't Need to Be In D.C. to Help Us Advocate for More Trains

It's still not too late to register. But even if you can't be there, you can still lend your voice to the chorus of passengers calling for more and better trains in the U.S.

By Sean Jeans-Gail, Vice President of Policy Rail Passengers Association's members and Council of Representatives are gathering in D.C. on April 1st and 2nd to advocate for better transit, better intercity rail, a better Amtrak -- a better transportation network for all Americans. It's still not too late to register. But even if you can't be there, you can still lend your voice to the chorus of passengers calling for more and better trains in the U.S. With 31.7 million Amtrak passengers carr

Passenger Contact

It's Always Good Riding The Rails

By Carolyn Cokley, Director, Customer Programs It is always good to get out and ride the rails. And I could not be happier to work a position that allows me to get out of the office, every now and then and take a trip. On Saturday, February 23, I boarded Train #19 in Washington, DC headed to New Orleans. Riding the Crescent was new for me. I have always heard about what a great ride it was and was really looking forward to the trip. I was also looking forward to eating in the dining car and me

Yeah, Your Commute is Bad - But What's it Worth to You?

Chances are good that, if you commute by car, your commute has gotten significantly worse over the past decade. But how bad, exactly? And what would you be willing to trade to make it less painful?

On The Passing of Joe Boardman

A good friend and a great rail supporter!

By Bruce Becker – Vice-President Operations I was fortunate to have attended Joe Boardman’s funeral in Rome, NY on Friday, March 15, representing the Association and also there to honor a long-time friend. Joe’s very untimely passing was a shock to his large extended family, to his many friends and to the entire rail community. Over 300 celebrated Joe’s life and legacy of public service with many representatives from the New York State Department of Transportation, the Federal Railroad

“Stairway” To Somewhere

$25 Billion And Still The Same Old Problems At Hudson Yards

by Joe Aiello | Northeast Field Coordinator “That kid is BACK on the escalator again!” - Brodie Bruce, Mallrats Last week, the brand new $25 billion Hudson Yards complex opened to the public. It is the largest private development in the United States (by square footage) and sits on nearly 27 acres of land in the Chelsea and Hudson Yards neighborhoods in Manhattan. Thirteen of the retail and residential center’s buildings were built over the existing West Side Yard - storage for LIRR trai

Taking a Moment to Observe

Congratulations to Coach Attendant Sharon Diaz!

By Carolyn Cokley, Director, Customer Programs Congratulations to Coach Attendant Sharon Diaz. Sharon was honored this past Monday with the March 2019 Amtrak Customer Advisory Committee (ACAC), Customer Service Award. The special celebration took place at the Miami crewbase where Ms. Diaz was presented with the award by an ACAC Subcommittee Chair who is also a RailPax At-Large Council Representative and me. As a frequent rider on the Silver Service, our member is used to observing top notch, on

More Details from White House Proposal to End National Network

As we reported last week, the Trump Administration’s budget continues a series of attacks on the National Network. The release of the full budget this week gives us more details—and more reason to be concerned. We need your help to fight it!

As we reported last week, the Trump Administration’s budget continues a series of attacks on the National Network. The release of the full budget this week gives us more details—and more reason to be concerned. We need your help to fight it!

How would passengers travel without trains?

Less than 10% would take a bus instead

On average, trains primarily compete with cars, then planes. A larger share of passengers on trains today wouldn’t travel at all than those that would otherwise take a bus.