News & Commentary

Transit For All

Hearing stories from others remind us why we do what we do.

by Joe Aiello | Northeast Field Coordinator “People keep askin’ if I’m back, and I haven’t really had an answer, but now, yeah, I’m thinkin’ I’m back” - John Wick Hope everyone is having a great summer. I have been a little lax on writing for this blog but not without a good reason. Summer By Rail has been in full swing and has been taking up a good portion of my time these days (I posted a great ICYMI last week to catch everyone up on the Northeast leg of the trip - including

Summer By Rail 2019: Northeast Roundup

Catching up with Chef Madi's cross-country adventure

Summer by Rail 2019 is well under way, with Chef Madi having completed her tour of the Northeast and Mid Atlantic and continuings south along Amtrak's Crescent. We've rounding up all the coverage below so you don't miss a thing. Be sure to follow along with Chef Madi's journey through all our social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. And of course, you can find everything over at Want to help support Chef Madi's trip? Click here to donate. Kicking Of

Behind the Scenes of the Wall Street Journal's Video on Amtrak

Rail Passengers is working to ensure that the voices of ALL passengers are heard

A lot of people will probably stop at the bad headline. And that’s a shame, because if you take time to watch the video there’s a lot of positive information that we managed to get into the video through our conversations with a pair of WSJ reporters.

In Extreme Weather, Transit Keeps People Moving

When roads are swamped, trains can keep running

DMV motorists experienced a rough Monday-morning commute due to flooding. Transit can provide an important source of resiliency during extreme weather.

How NOT To Advance Corridor Planning

New York State's Empire Corridor Tier One EIS Process Enters Its 10th Year!

By Bruce Becker / Vice-President of Operations Over the past seven decades, New York State’s intercity rail passengers have seen it all! From the New York Central’s historic ‘Great Steel Fleet’ of the post-war era, to the Central’s sharp decline in the 1960’s, to the bleak Penn Central years and into the modern Amtrak era, while much has changed, many things have stayed the same. Today’s Amtrak Empire Corridor service has a rich history which dates back to the New York Central’

BREAKING: Senate Hearing Reveals Key Amtrak Details

Senate Commerce hearing on next steps for Amtrak produced several noteworthy and significant moments

Today's Senate Commerce hearing on next steps for Amtrak produced several noteworthy and significant moments, which will no doubt play a big part in shaping intercity rail programs and Amtrak in the upcoming rail reauthorization. While the hearing is well worth watching in its entirety, we’ve highlighted some of the key moments.

President Trump Threatens Veto Over Passenger Rail Funding

Take Action Today!

The White House issued a veto threat against the fiscal 2020 funding bill, saying President Trump was "disappointed" at Congress for boosting investment in Amtrak instead of eliminating the National Network, as outlined in the President's budget request.

Off The Rails

How much more can commuters in Boston take?

by Joe Aiello | Northeast Field Coordinator MBTA Derailments: Two in the last week. Four in the last four months. Five (so far) in 2019. 43 in total over the last five years. Thanks to the Red Line fiasco this week, it’s been reported that the MBTA stands behind only behind the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority has the worst safety record in the country. We are already #1 in the country for worst traffic, maybe this is another top ranking we should NOT be striving for… SInce activism

Gulf Coast Rail Restoration Receives $33 Million Federal Grant

Funds for major infrastructure & capacity improvements to restore passenger rail service

The Federal Railroad Administration has awarded $33 million to fund major infrastructure and capacity improvements to restore passenger rail service along the Gulf Coast, a huge step forward in the long battle to restore this missing link to the national passenger rail network. 

House Appropriators: It's National Or Nothing

Lawmakers Monday Offer Strong Language Backing Long-Distance Trains, Station Agents, Private Cars

by Jim Mathews / On Monday House Appropriators released report language ahead of tomorrow's markup of the Fiscal 2020 T-HUD money bill faulting Amtrak for ignoring congressional intent on customer-facing issues like station agents and long-distance trains, and strongly supported a truly national long-distance network serving stations staffed with station agents and improving transportation options for rural areas. Lawmakers also criticized DOT and FRA for foot-dragging on grants and adding conditions contrary to congressional direction.